Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rape Is Not Romance Campaign

This is the addy for an amazing campaign to get people and the head hanchos at nbc and days more aware of the horrible handling of Sami's rape...this is also an amazing site known as Second Chances the Lumi Mega Site, I am in full support of their rock ladies at the mega site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lucas Bashing/Santeen

the only thing lucas has done wrong is satnd in the way of Ejami. I am sick to death of reading so many hateful, hurtful posts and for what because tha man is trying to protect his wife and his family the one he did not rape to get ....Lucas earned Sami and those babies and Will, EJ has never even apologized nor has he paid for any of his crimes. As for Santeen I am just not feeling it...a married man that falls in love with a nun and pulls her away from her family and God and Santo was the one that was wronged? Are you kidding me? Lucas is right to not want anything to do with anyone named Dimera and save his family from them..

Spumors discussed who shot Ej, kiddies are not Ej's

I have been reading where EJ finds out he has two dissappointments, one I imagine the kids aren't his and two Sami is not in love with him and isnt going to leave Lucas for him. I hear that Celeste iniatally lied to Ej in saying the kiddies were his to protect Sami's baby. I also read that either the stem cells from Willow's baby or the Phimi babies will be used to save Stephano. I thought the reason EJ put his seed into Sami in the first place was bc he needed the stem cells from someone related to him, those babies may not be EJ's if Stephano can't use the stem cells from Samis kids. Then there is supposed to be a who shot EJ bit, makes it kinda hard for EJami to be a couple if half the couples dead...ok I'm prolly gonna get torn apart for this but I would love a good whodunit with EJ as the victim. So much for Sami secretly loving a dead man...I love this blog, I can say what I want without someone getting on my case about it and if I dont like an EJami post if they should post theres always the delete key...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The amnio

Hello folks, Lucas wanted the amnio sure but his asking for it was to reduce stress on Sami not add to it like others have been suggesting. Lucas has every right to know if he was the father and if EJ had nevre raped her then it wouldnt be neccessary. If he had been the kind of noble man Ejami's think he is then why did he need to force her to have sex with her EJ to save her husband, hello any other guy wouldve helped but not EJ. He said if you dont have sex with me then I dont save your husband, that is like a deal with the devil so without the rape why would Sami have needed the amnio in the first place, EJ is a rapist plain and simple and any stress on the babies is due to the circumstances surronding the pregnancy. EJ is a slimeball and should be in jail for a zillion plus years that being said EJ needs to rot....

Saturday, June 30, 2007

I love Lumi

but I am getting tired of the whole rape debate. Just how long are the writers going to drag this out anyways, until we hate the show and e/o? Was their intention to create a fued between the fans so that it would rival the Brady/Dimera fued and thus drive up the ratings, no I think all it has done is make people unahppy with the show and its outcome and causing waring fan bases...I love Lumi and wish they were fun again.....when is that going to happen, will they stay together I dont know...I just wish we could get back to some more humor and levity in the show...enuff is enuff already!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

He Said She Said

He said She said It was rape people!
Well the debate rages on. Was Sami raped, wasn't she raped, was there a gun wasn't there a gun? Yes she was raped and yes there was a gun. Sami did not have sex willingly with EJ. It was forced, if it is forced, it is rape. I have no doubt in my mind that if Sami had got out of that car she would not have done so without him pulling the gun again and jumping on her. Sami felt there was no other way to save her husband, that's right I said husband, then to have sex with EJ. He could have done the right thing and saved Lucas but instead he was a slimeball and forced her to give her body so he wouldn't die. That is not love, that is not the joining of two bodies willingly. That is rape. That is a horrible choice to give someone, let me ask you this, would you do it and would you feel anything but revolsion for the person who forced his will andhis body on you? Then told you if you said a word you were dead and proably your family would be dead too. So should Sami run into the arms of her rapist, I think not. Will she forgive him, proably, but it will take years. She she leave her husband to marry this sleaze just cuz he's hot, absolutely not. On what planet do we leave our husband's for the guy that raped us, come on writers give us some credit...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ejami is not a couple

The one thing that us Lumi fans have over Ejami is that they are a couple and Ejami is not. Ejami fans want Lumi to divorce over the hottie next door that raped her and he did put a gun to her head no matter what they say. In the very beginning when he forced her to drive he brought it out. He had that gun on him had enough the whole time and he forced her to do it. Now I have had enough of this whole disgusting sl and how people want Ejami be a couple. They are not a couple. Lumi are married and they will stay that way. I don't know how people could say that they want the guy that raped another man's wife to break up her family and leave them for some slob who is nothing more then evil incarnate. There now I have said how I really feel and noone can tell me not to say it or to put it nicely. I'm not playing nice anymore, what EJ was wrong, horribly wrong and its disgusting of people to want her and Sami together. He's a rapist palin and simple.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

6-25-07 Is Lucas the daddy of Sami's twins

There has been much debate as to who the father is, this week we find out that Kate forces Nick to switch the dna test results, lord can't that woman stop meddling with Lumi, for gosh sakes, she slept with EJ knowing hfter he was after Sami, how gross is that? So Nick reruns the tests knowing he fudged them to make EJ look like the daddy, do kate and Nick know who they are palying with, when the Dimera's find out what Kate and Nick did the Dimera camp will retailate and it won't be pretty, I thought the hairbrush thing was done with, so how can Kate use this...havent we seen enuff of her meddling, this time she better pay for it....she has a long history of getting away with crap, hopefully the Dimera's especially EJ wont let her!!!

other Days Fanfic Belle,Shawn,Claire Finally A Family

Prolog other chapters will be in responses for all fanfic, makes posts easier to read so scroll down in both fanfics to comments and the rest of chapters will be there

Belle opened up the mail and was relieved to finally see her divorce papers to Philip. Shawn was out working. Nick had signed over the apartment that he had 'given' to Willow and they were living there now. Marlena and Kate had agreed to watching Claire so that she could go back to work at Basic Black. She was designed a new line of kids clothes and she was enjoying every minute of it. Shawn had redesigned his engine and now had his own garage. Now with the final divorce papers in hand she and Shawn could get married. They could at last be the family they always wanted to be. Belle quickly got ready for work. She gathered up Claire and she dropped her off at Marlena's. Belle went to work expecting to see her father but all that greeted her was John's new secretary Chelsea Brady. Belle squealed with delight when she saw her and then asked where her dad was. "He said something about going to see Victor. He's back in town."Chelsea answered and Belle went white.Chelsea helped her sit down and got her a glass of water. "So what's wrong, wait this is bad isn't it?" She said remembering Victor's part in the whole Claire thing. "Its way worse then bad. Victor will be lucky if my dad doesn't kill him." Belle answered and Chelsea tried to ring John's cell phone. She shook her head to Belle and left John a message to call as soon as he could. From the look on Belle's face this wasn't going to be good. Victor was as good as dead man be cont'dJohn approached Victor's grand home and sighed wishing he didn't have to do this. Victor had gone way over the top in tking Claire from Shawn and Belle. It would be wonderful if all could support Claire and be concerned with Claire but John knew in all likely hood that wasn't going to happen. Victor had to know that John was back and he wasn't going to get away with all that he had done,and if he tried anything else he was going to have to deal with John first. John had hired Frankie to deal with custody and getting Shawn's name on the birth certificate.Now that things were stablizing for Shawn and Belle, they were going to get married and truly be Claire's parents. Victor better straighten up and fly if he wanted to be in the child's life at all. Shawn and Belle wanted Philip to be a part of her life too and John was willing to bet that Phil didn't want to lose that chance due to dear old daddy. He rang the doorbell and who should answer but Philip, one of the two people he wanted to talk to today.Philip was a little leary but he let John in anyways. They sat down with a drink and made small talk for a while. Finally John said "I think you know why I am here Philip." Philip nodded. "You want to talk about how my old man handled the whole Claire thing." He said uncomfortably."I'd appreciate you not referencing me as old Philip. And if you want to talk with me John, you talk with me. You don't talk with my son about me." A familar voice said with authority. John stood up to face Victor and with a wink at Philip he said "I think its time we had a talk, old man to old man." Philip rolled his eyes and vanished so the two men could talk. He remained close by but hidden, this was gonna be to good to miss...stay tuned for John and Victor in The Confrontation......John and Vic have it out about Claire and Belle....

enough with the ejami verses lumi and vice versa

I am so tired of these little wars between differnt fan bases on the net. Why cant we each like our own and be happy for that? I love Lumi and should be allowed to say what I feel as long as its respectful and tactful. I am tired of Ejami this and Lumi that. In the beginning I loved EJ and Sami, when he raped her yes I said the r word here and he stole John's kidney that killed the pairing of these two for me. Lumi has not had the best writing lately either. If they had not done the rape and EJ had won Sami's heart fair and square then I would proably have been the first to jump on the EJami band wagon. I also can't advocate leaving you hubby for another man. There is to much divorce in this country and the soaps are certianly not helping the matter any by promoting the EJami pairing. Where in the wedding vows does it say its ok to leave your hubby for the hottie next door after he raped you, tried to kill your stepfather and stole his kidney and everytime you are with him he nearly gets you killed? I write days fanfic so I can have everything my way and I have this blog so I can more freely say what I wish. I would be all for Lumi working with EJ on a scheme to end the fued, I would love very much to see the Bradys and the Dimera's work together for the good of everyone.

I think the on screen fued has seeped onto the net, and not everyone is going to wind up happy, so can't we please respect e/o and be allowed to root for the couples we want and not be afraid of getting bashed for it, then again I may be expecting to much, this is about a soap after all but one can dream....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

6-21-07 EJ rant

warning if you are an EJ fan you may not like what I have to say. I am not in any way bashing James Scott the actor only his character whom he was played so well I love to hate him. So if you like EJ, you will want to stay away from this post...

Okay. I can't stand EJ. No matter what pretty way you put it the guy is a rapist plain and simple. He held Sami at gunpoint and gave her no other alternative but to have sex with him if she wanted to save her husband. That to me at the very least is forced sex. Then there are people who want EJ and Sami together as a couple and to leave her husband for him just because he is a hottie. A rapist is still a rapist hottie or not. I see people wanting Sami to leave her husband for this guy and oh EJ is so in love with Sami. Barf......He raped her! What is wrong with people that think that the girl he raped would want to have a relationship with this slimeball? I can't help feeling this way. Lucas is controlling, hello Sami has taken chance after chance with her health and the babies and everytime she is with the scum she gets almost killed. Just who are these Dimera's anyways that are so smug they are sure the babies are EJ's? Someone needs to take these Dimera's down a notch, especially EJ!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lucas and Sami belong together 6-20-07

Lucas and Sami belong together and here's why

1.They are awesome together.
2.They have waited a long time to be together and so have we, its great that they are married.
3.Lucas and Sami truly love e/o.
4.They compliment e/o. When Lucas is weak Sami is strong, when Sami is weak, Lucas is strong.
5.They are always there for one another.
6.No matter what they love and support Will.
7.They are together, despite the odds.
8.They are incredibly romantic together.
9.It is so refreshing to see a married couple in Daytime tv, these two draw in new viewers and those that are married want to watch more.
10.They are your average couple that stuggles just like the rest of us, they have a lot of gusto together.

Lucas's good points 06-20-07

Lucas has many great points. Please feel free to add to the list.

1. Lucas is good looking.
2.Lucas loves Sami and Will. I believe he will find room in his heart for the new babies whether they are his or EJ's.
3. Lucas has risked everything to be with Sami, even stood up to mom, with a mom like Kate that's hard to do.
4.Lucas is protective of his family.
5.Lucas has stayed with Sami, even when most men wouldn't.
6.Lucas does everything he can to help and support Sami.
7.He has done everything he can to turn his life around and his family.
8. Lucas is doing the best he can under the circumstances.
9.Lucas is standing by Sami even though it is very difficult as of late.
10.He is a good man, an incredible guy dealing with impossible circumstances.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Alone At Last Lucas and Sami fanfiction

by JohnBlackFanDisclaimer I do not own Sami and Lucas. I am only writing this for entertainment. Chapter OneLucas had finally had enough. He wanted some time alone with his wife. He loved Sami more then anything in the universe, even more then his own life. He had picked her up on horseback and John had given the young man permission to take his private plane to get his wife far away from the pressures of Salem. John's pilot greeted Lucas and Sami. Sami eyed Lucas and gave him a surprised smile. "What's all this Lucas?" She asked softly. He held her close and kissed her passionately. He scooped her up and carried her on board the plane. "I want to take you away, for just a few hours. Way up under the stars, no one can bother us. It'll be just the two of us." He said as he set her on the plush seats of the plane.Sami like Lucas wanted to forget everything for a few hours and just be together. No Dimeras, no family bursting in and Will was staying with John so no worries there. Lucas grinned as he poured his wife some sparkling water. They settled in their seats as they got ready for take off. Once they were up enough they were free to move about the plane. Lucas set some soft music playing and they danced slowly together, a blanket of stars surronding them. "I can't believe John gave us his plane." She said in awe of the whole magical night.Lucas grinned wickedly and said " I'm just as good as my pretty wife about scheming." Sami laughed and hugged him. It was the most magical night they'd had in a while."We'll have to thank John for this." She said softly making a mental note to be there more for her step father. He had helped Lucas surprise her, he had tried his best to be a good father figure to him and she had turned him away at every chance. Now things would be different. Lucas served her dinner he had prepared himself with coaching from his Aunt Maggie's very own chef's. The steak was wonderful and the strawberry cheescake for dessert decadent. Lucas whispered to the pilot for no disturbances and he grinned and stepped back inside the *bleep* pit. Lucas gently kissed Sami and she returned his kiss hungrily, it was sure to be a night they'd never forget...Con'tdFor the next two hours Lucas and Sami made pasionate love, though it was gentle for the baby's sake. He would love Sami and her child no matter what or who tried to come into their lives. EJ was not going to take away the family he'dworked so hard for. That was the only time Lucas thought of the unpleasent Dimera the whole night. When the plane landed back in Salem John was waiting to greet them with a huge grin on his face. Sami hugged him and whispered "Thank You."into his ear and John slapped Lucas playfully on his back after that. John had dedcided to take young Lucas under his wing and help guide him in this unfamilar territory known as marriage. He, Lucas and Sami then headed to meet Marlena and spend some family time together. They watched movies with them and Will who was happy to see his parents looked so refreshed. Will had secretly decided to give EJ a run for his money. A scheme was taking form in his brain as they watched the action adventure movie...It was time to teach EJ a lesson, one he'd never forget..He'd need his Dad's help but he was sure his dad would give it to him. He had a plan to scare the bejesus out of EJ. He watched John Black with a smile hoping to gain his help in his fight against the Dimera family. That week Lucas and Will worked out together with John every day. EJ kept showing up at the same work out place, a smug smile on his face. Will pulled him aside and with a chilling smile said in a most calm demoner " Watch your back EJ. I'm not some dumb little kid that will sit back and take it like my parents have. I'm going to take you out when you least expect it. My parents aren't the only ones capable of some preetty heavy scheming."Will walked away leaving EJ snickering though the villian did not fail to notice Will's new take charge attitude. He'd better talk to Tony and his father about Will Roberts. He might not be a formidiable foe now, but give him a few chances and let his rage against the Dimera's grow and watch out. Will had a grandmother like Kate too that he could turn to for help. He was not scared of Will alone by any means but him and all the Brady's united might be something worthy to fear later on..It was time he got busy and started wrecking this new found Brady alliance, before it was to late for the Dimera's...EJ wasn't about to fall victim to a sneak attack that's for sure..Will's plan however was already working more then EJ wished...The first part was to get him watching his back at any and all times...he was already doing that. The three left the gym with EJ watching, his eyes flicking nervously at the unity there..he picked up his cell phone to call his father but chose not to. The matter warrented a personal appearance, with or without Tony's blessing...He raced to his car and sped towards the mansion....ready to see his father no matter what he had to do to Tony to get in, "Watch out Big Brother, Elvis is about to enter the building..." With that a cold laugh filled the car and Tony later swore he heard it at the mansion...He greeted EJ with a wicked smile and folded arms....It was on again, the war not only between the Bradys and the Dimera's but brother against brother and neither willing to give up easily...The two brothers faced each other neither willing to back down...Stephano watched with an ugly smile from an upper window, even he was eager to see which brother had what it took to rule the Dimera empire and take out the Bradys....once and for all time.....

Chapter Two

John Black had flown with Sami and Lucas to have their baby tested safetly and away from the Dimera's. For the young couple's sake he had to get the question of whose baby it was settled and quickly. He had done this all in secret so as to keep the stress level down and keep Samantha out of harm's way. John had decided to take Lucas and Will both under his wing so that the two could learn to defend themselves against the Dimera's. It was time that Lucas learned to settle down and deal with the Dimera threat quickly and effectively. Lucas was no sissy by any means but he needed to learn how to control his temper around EJ. He also needed to learn self control when it came to Sami. Sami was a strong willed woman who didn't take being told what to do lightly. The two had to learn to support and love each other even if they disagreed at times.The tests was performed in Paris France with the best doctor available. Still EJ showed up while they were waitied for their results. John sent Sami and Lucas into the adjoining room to wait while John had a lttle chat with EJ. "Well well well said the spider to the fly, let me invite you into my web." He said and EJ rolled his eyes. "I have every right to be here for this test John. Sami's baby could very well be mine." He said softly unamused by John's words. "Yes but Sami and Lucas have the right to have the test anywhere they want. They don't have to inform you. The less stress Sami has the better it is for the baby. You do care about the baby don't you?" He asked but so coldy and without emmotion that EJ shuttered inwardly a bit. He must not let the enemy see that he was shaken."Of course I care about the baby. That's why I am here. I'm not like my father John." EJ said and John laughed in such a chilling way that it made the room feel cold even though it was a very humid day outside. "Of course you are. Like father like son. Rotten to the core." John said with a smirk. "Look John. I'm not here to quibble with you. I just want to know if the baby's mine." EJ said but John moved menacingly towards him and EJ felt the urge to bolt though he resisted. "What so you can harvest the little boy or girl for stemcells or whatever organ you need to save a man who isn't worth the skin he's wrapped in? I don't think so. I believe this baby isn't yours and so help me when we find out the truth you better run as fast as you can and hide under the nearest rock. I will hunt you down EJ and when I find you I will do more then just harvest a couple of organs. You got that Wells?" He said so icliy that it froze EJ in his place and he seemed rooted to the floor in terror. A wild look was in his eyes as if he would escape if he could.The nurse came out and told the two that it was time for the test results to be heard. This whole time Lucas had been watching from the door of the adjoining room to the exchange going on between John and EJ. For the first time Lucas felt true family support and he knew he wasn't alone in his struggle against EJ. He hugged Sami to him and they both said a quick prayer about the test results. Please God Lucas thought as they went into the room with the doctor. Please let the baby be mine.....cont'dLucas sat down and cried when he heard the doctor say the baby was his and that the test had been done several times so that there was no further doubt on this issue. Sami hugged Lucas tightly and EJ looked as though he had been struck dumb. He was sure that the baby had been his. The doctor upon Lucas and Sami's request had asked what sex the baby was and they were told happily it was a little girl. They exploded into giggles that consisted of relief and pure happiness. EJ stared at the couple and then simply left feeling as though he'd just been punched in the stomach. What had started as something that he wanted desperately but never truly had was taken from him yet again. Would he never have a family of his own? That was all he truly wanted but somewhere along the line everything had become twisted. He left before John could catch up to him. Lucas and Sami deserved their long fought for happiness so let them have it. Now it was time to go home and face the music.John took the couple back home and got together a grand family celebration. They were going to have a party to end all parties at Maggie's place. Lucas and Sami went home to get ready and share in some private time. They decided to name their little girl Faith because faith was what had gotten them through all the hard times. Will would have a sister and Lucas would have his own little princess to spoil. It was such a wonderful time for them. Sami dressed in a comfortable blue dress for the party while Lucas donned slacks a jacket and shirt so much in the manner of John Black Sami had to smile. She knew that Lucas would always be there to love and protect her and as they left for the celebration they hoped that things would settle down now and they could at last be the family they'd always dreamed of.John went home a happy man to Marlena and told her about the surprise he had planned for Lucas and Sami. He told Marlena to get dressed and the two kissed happily, glad that everything was going well for their once troubled daughter and son in law. Marlena detrmined already that she would spoil the little girl to be and on the way she went and bought out one of Salem's best stores....Just wait until Sami saw everything she had gotten for the little girl.John was estatic when Sami buzzed his cell phone. Upon closer examination of the tests she had been told she was having twins, both children were Lucas's. The other twin was a boy whom they had decided to name Roman Johnathan. Marlena insisted they go back to the same store and bought another load for the boy. They made sure both children could have everything they could ever need and they were going to be the best grandparents ever. John was going to make sure that tonight was a celebration that Sami and Lucas would never forget. It had been a long time coming for these two. They were surprised however to see EJ with an arm load of gifts waiting at the front door of Maggie's.John was angry that he was even there but Marlena begged him to give EJ the benefit of the doubt for Sami and Lucas's sake and for the future of their grandchildren. John warily approached EJ who then handed the gifts to John. "Just give them to Sami and Lucas please. Its my way of saying I'm sorry and I still want this Brady Dimera fued to end. Fueding is Stephano's way, not mine." EJ said determinedly and he walked away leaving a surprised John and Marlena holding an arm load of gits for the children. In a way they were sad for him having to go home to a house filled with only people and not true family...They were so blessed and they thanked God for all that they had and all that was coming.....

Chapter Three
The celebration was in full swing of the refreshing and reviving news that the babies Sami was carrying were Lucas's. Lucas was content for the first time in his life and it showed. He danced with his wife dipping her gently and sweeping her back up into a deep kiss. He was cheered by his friends and family. The surprise of the evening was when Kate showed up, her arms ladden with gifts for the babies and for Sami and Lucas. She presented them with keys. Their friends and family had gotten together and purchased a house for th young couple and their family. There was plenty enough room for the twins the parents and Will. Will had eyes on a new young lady in town. It was the Westleys daughter Joy. Their eyes met from across the room, locked and held. Will asked her if she'd like to dance and she said yes. Kate and Sami stood together and watched Will cutting up the floor with Joy. "I think he likes her." Kate said softly, trying in some small way to communicate with the mother of her grandchildren. Sami smiled. "I think so too." Sami agreed and they stared at each other in surprise. "We actually agree on something." Kate said, some amusement in her voice. Sami said somehwta wickedly "Well, there is a first time for everything Gramma." Even Kate had to laugh.Then to Kate's surprise Sami leaned forward to hug her. "The children need us to get along." She said softly and Kate agreed. She returned the hug. John turned Lucas towards his mother and Sami. His eyes widened and he said "Will miracles never cease." John chuckled as Lucas wandered over to see the two most important woman in his life, his mother and his wife. They welcomed him into their embrace and the whole room stood quietly,watching them with smiles on their faces.Later Sami went outside to get some air. A hand came out of nowhere and was placed on her mouth, but not before she screamed. People from inside heard the commotion and went outside mde fearful from the sounds of Sami's terror..Dear Lord they prayed keep us all safe from whatever is happening and let Sami be okay...They crowded outside hoping they were not to late to save Sami from whatever horror was happening to her now...."Jack are you crazy you almost scared me to death, but I am so glad you are back, where's Jennifer, is she here too?" Sami was asking and there were sighs of relief from the crowd that had gathered outside Maggie's. "She's coming, she's bringing some presents she bought for the babies." He said with an almost evil grin on his face. "Jack, didn't I tell you not to sneak up on poor Sami like that? What are you trying to do, give the poor woman early labor?" came a familiar voice. It was Jennifer, her arms filled with gifts. Jack took them from her so she could hug Sami. "I'm sorry my husband is such a creep." She said with a wicked smile on her face. "Hey!" said the pretending to be insulted husband. "Knock it off man, you scared the heck out of my wife and me too, but I'm glad to se you anyways." Lus playfully chastised. Jack and Lucas hugged. Then from out of the darkness came another voice calling out greeting and everyone turned to see who was making a surprise entrance to the party. They all called out happy welcomes and gave hugs when they saw who had decided to return to Salem..."Party crasher." Lucas said with a grin but Frankie only smiled as he was barraged with hugs...It was so good to be back in Salem....No matter what had happened between him and Jennifer it was over with and he was home bringing his new girlfriend with him. Somehow they were not surprised to see who it was...cont'dGood Lord Sami thought with a smirk, as I live and breathe its Bliile Reed. "Hi Sami." Billie said quietly and handed her a set of hand sewn blankets for the twins. Sami did try and smile but failed. She tried again and this time she succeeded. "I made them myself. I learned how to sew. I've been taking classes and I've been busy with Frankie. That's why you haven't seen me in a while." Billie explained and Sami took a closer look at the lovely blankets. "Wow thanks Billie, these must have taken a lot of time." She said appreciativily. Billie was pleased with Sami's reaction to all her hard work. Everyone filed back into the house and the aprtying resumed to well after midnight.Finally everyone was exhausted and they beagn to leave. John and Marlena helped Sami and Lucas carry everything to the car. "We almost need another car to carry it all." laughed Will as he helped his parents stuff all their goodies into the trunk. Secretly he had been helping to prepare this whole night and he was pleased to see his parents so happy. It was high time their faces glowed and he saw on them something other then sadness and worry. It seemed as if the whole town of Salem had been at this wonderful family party and they all had been the happiest they had been in a long time.Will couldn't help but worry that this wasn't the last they had heard from the Dimera's. Will was considering going to the police acamdey, then maybe one day he could be ISA like John. He enjoyed spending time with John. He was not only helping him learn to be effective in fighting against the Dimera's, he was a cool person to hang out with. He couldn't wait to take his placce in the daily struggle his family was in with the Dimera's but little did Will know he would get that chance sooner rather then later. A black car got onto the road far enough behind them so that they wouldn't be easily suspicious but Lucas was no dummy. He kept an eyes on his window and had Sami call the police...they were being followed. He tried not to let the other driver know that he knew what was going on. He tried to act normal but his heart was racing as he thought of his family in the car with him. The other car got real close to him and slammed the back of his car. Sami and Will screamed while Lucas tried his best to keep control of the car. He was hit again and they went into a spin praying that they would survive until the police got there.....They were rammed again and this time Lucas couldn't hold a wheel. He cried out as they went plowing into a tree... Their horn was blaring but nobdy in the car was moving as the police got out and checked out the situation...they called for an ambulance and gasped as they realized one of the passangers was pregant...they hurried to get them out of the car, not sure whether or not it could explode, they raced against time, trying to pull them as far away from a potentially explosive situation....

Chapter Four
Sami awoke only to see Lucas not far from her bleeding and looking like he was not moving. They were still on the ground with sirens blaring and lights flashing all around them. Will lay next to Lucas, he had been so stuffed in with all the gifts that the paramedics almost didn't realize there was another person in the car with them. They were being loaded onto a paramedic bed and Sami cried out to see them so still. "Lucas, Will!" She said and one of the paramedics smiled kindly at her. "Its going to be alright ma'am. They're pretty banged up but we got some good doctors at the ER that will take good care of them. "He said and smiled encouragingly at her. Sami relaxed enough to give the paramedics some information. She was terribly worried about her babies but she tried to think positively.When they got to the hospital, John Roman and Marlena were already there. They had immediately been informed that their daughter and son in law and grandcild were in a nasty car accident. "Car accident my butt." John growled his face almost magenta with anger. "Whoa John, you got any proof to back that up?" Roman asked with concern. If John felt there was foul play involved then he wanted to get right over to the accident scene and go over it with a fine tooth comb. He had never known John to make idle statements or say something he knew wasn't true so naturally he was curious as to why John would throw that comment out and look as angry as he did. "Come on Roman, today we discovered Sami's babies were Lucas's. I think this was done out of anger at the babies not being Dimera's" John said not wating to accuse EJ out right but he was sure the Dimera's had something to do with this. Sami had been encountering way to many accidents lately. Someone was out to kill Sami's babies and once again make the Brady's pay for whatever crazy thing had gone on years ago. This fued had gone on long enough and John was tired of seeing both familes torn by hatered and anger. Sami was right to want to try and stop it, but John wasn't so sure she was going about things in the right way.Marlena stayed with her injured family and called Kate. John and Roman took off to the 'accicent' scene determined to find some anwsers. John was determined to make the Dimera's pay this time and they were not going to get away with what they had done to his family. Roman saw John's darlklook and it was almost as though he could read his mind. The fued was on again in full swing and there was going to be heck to pay when it was all over. Roman only hoped there would be family left on both sides when this was all said and done...right now he wasn't to sure about that or anything else that had gone on in Salem lately.cont'dJohn and Roman grabbed Bo and went over to the eerrie Dimera mansion figuring there was safety in numbers. They banged on the door, rudely demanding to be let in. Finally the door opened and Tony allowed them entered, his usual smirk on his face as he said "Really gentleman, we've got to stop meeting like this. People will talk." John rolled his eyes. "And what would they say Tony, that is was your little Elvis that ran down my step daughter and her husband tonight?" He said cutting straight to the chase."I am not my brother's keeper. I have no idea where he is."Tony growled glaring icily at John. "You better hope Elvis has been in the building all evening. You see he found out Sami's twins weren't his today and I think he went a little shall we say uhhh whacko?" John watched Tony carefully for a reaction and was surprised to find Tony looking almost gleeful. "So the bratt's aren't my brothers..awwww..." Tony said. "This is gonna bother the old man just a tad." Bo said sarcastically. "Yeah, why haven't we had a reaction from old Stephano himself? What da heck is up with that?" Roma pitched in looking around as though any minute the elder Dimera might pop up out of the woodwork. After all the walls had ears, especially in the Dimera mansion."I don't know what da heck is up with that Roamn." Tony imatated. "This is the first I've heard of it." For some reason John believed him. Maybe EJ hadn't been home yet and he was still driving around after having hit Sami's car. Then his car would have damage if it was he who had hit them. The three men sat down as Tony said with some outrage "What do you think you are doing? Make yourself comfortable why don't you? " "We're gonna wait right here until Elvis is in the building. We wanna look at his car, you know for damage. Unless we could talk to your old man. I want to see what he knows about all this." Bo said enjoying Tony's discomfort."My son has been here all night with me. I have been trying to console him over Sami's children not being his. You may look at his car, then I will sue the Salem PD for all they are worth. " Stephano barked as he came into the room with a miserable looking EJ in tow. John Roman Bo Tony EJ and Stephano trooped outside to look at EJ's car. They only hoped it would be the proof they needed to lock EJ away and forget where they put the key. Bo peered at the car to see if Elvis had indeed been in the building all night as his father had stated...If not then the war was on again with the Dimera's and there was a maniac loose in Salem, for they would have to find out who it was who had hit Sami Lucas and Will and then run off like a coward. Bo grinned to see front end damage to EJ's car. It was all over for EJ and the rest of the Dimera's...for good this time...

Sami and Lucas 06-19-07

I will absolutely permit no actor bashing or poster bashing. I also will not permit spam. These are only my humble opionions about Days Of Our Lives and specfically Sami and Lucas. This fandom is for fans of Sami and Lucas only, EJ lovers feel free to start up your own forum. LOl this one is ours.

I absolutely love the characters of Sami and Lucas on Days and love the fact that they are actually married. I do not like the way the have brought EJ Wells into this. There are people that think he and Sami belong together. I know he is just a character on a soap and I totally love him as a villan, but not as her husband. First off she is already married and there is enough divorce in this country, let Sami and Lucas stay married with no interference from the man who raped her. Yes I said the r word. That is exactly what he did and he does not deserve Sami as his wife nor her children as his. That being said I think poor Lucas is under a great deal of strain and he is only trying to protect his wife. I really feel for him and hate the way people bash him for being a good husband. I also throughly adore Bryan Datillo, so I could be biased here.

I just think that Sami and Lucas should be given a fair chance. Yes I am aware that this is only a soap but thats why I started this blog so I can voice my thoughts freely. I'm just having some fun and releaving a little stress so please indulge me. I'd love to hear from other Sami and Lucas fans. We can also talk about other characters like the gorgeous John Black, just please create other posts for them. Chat away folks, I really hope this blog takes off. Days Of Our Lives fanfiction is also welcome here, again just create a seperate post.

I love Sami and Lucas and John Black and thats a fact so hopefully we'll get a wide variety of fans here.