Thursday, June 28, 2007

He Said She Said

He said She said It was rape people!
Well the debate rages on. Was Sami raped, wasn't she raped, was there a gun wasn't there a gun? Yes she was raped and yes there was a gun. Sami did not have sex willingly with EJ. It was forced, if it is forced, it is rape. I have no doubt in my mind that if Sami had got out of that car she would not have done so without him pulling the gun again and jumping on her. Sami felt there was no other way to save her husband, that's right I said husband, then to have sex with EJ. He could have done the right thing and saved Lucas but instead he was a slimeball and forced her to give her body so he wouldn't die. That is not love, that is not the joining of two bodies willingly. That is rape. That is a horrible choice to give someone, let me ask you this, would you do it and would you feel anything but revolsion for the person who forced his will andhis body on you? Then told you if you said a word you were dead and proably your family would be dead too. So should Sami run into the arms of her rapist, I think not. Will she forgive him, proably, but it will take years. She she leave her husband to marry this sleaze just cuz he's hot, absolutely not. On what planet do we leave our husband's for the guy that raped us, come on writers give us some credit...

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