Sunday, June 24, 2007

enough with the ejami verses lumi and vice versa

I am so tired of these little wars between differnt fan bases on the net. Why cant we each like our own and be happy for that? I love Lumi and should be allowed to say what I feel as long as its respectful and tactful. I am tired of Ejami this and Lumi that. In the beginning I loved EJ and Sami, when he raped her yes I said the r word here and he stole John's kidney that killed the pairing of these two for me. Lumi has not had the best writing lately either. If they had not done the rape and EJ had won Sami's heart fair and square then I would proably have been the first to jump on the EJami band wagon. I also can't advocate leaving you hubby for another man. There is to much divorce in this country and the soaps are certianly not helping the matter any by promoting the EJami pairing. Where in the wedding vows does it say its ok to leave your hubby for the hottie next door after he raped you, tried to kill your stepfather and stole his kidney and everytime you are with him he nearly gets you killed? I write days fanfic so I can have everything my way and I have this blog so I can more freely say what I wish. I would be all for Lumi working with EJ on a scheme to end the fued, I would love very much to see the Bradys and the Dimera's work together for the good of everyone.

I think the on screen fued has seeped onto the net, and not everyone is going to wind up happy, so can't we please respect e/o and be allowed to root for the couples we want and not be afraid of getting bashed for it, then again I may be expecting to much, this is about a soap after all but one can dream....

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