Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rape Is Not Romance Campaign

This is the addy for an amazing campaign to get people and the head hanchos at nbc and days more aware of the horrible handling of Sami's rape...this is also an amazing site known as Second Chances the Lumi Mega Site, I am in full support of their rock ladies at the mega site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lucas Bashing/Santeen

the only thing lucas has done wrong is satnd in the way of Ejami. I am sick to death of reading so many hateful, hurtful posts and for what because tha man is trying to protect his wife and his family the one he did not rape to get ....Lucas earned Sami and those babies and Will, EJ has never even apologized nor has he paid for any of his crimes. As for Santeen I am just not feeling it...a married man that falls in love with a nun and pulls her away from her family and God and Santo was the one that was wronged? Are you kidding me? Lucas is right to not want anything to do with anyone named Dimera and save his family from them..

Spumors discussed who shot Ej, kiddies are not Ej's

I have been reading where EJ finds out he has two dissappointments, one I imagine the kids aren't his and two Sami is not in love with him and isnt going to leave Lucas for him. I hear that Celeste iniatally lied to Ej in saying the kiddies were his to protect Sami's baby. I also read that either the stem cells from Willow's baby or the Phimi babies will be used to save Stephano. I thought the reason EJ put his seed into Sami in the first place was bc he needed the stem cells from someone related to him, those babies may not be EJ's if Stephano can't use the stem cells from Samis kids. Then there is supposed to be a who shot EJ bit, makes it kinda hard for EJami to be a couple if half the couples dead...ok I'm prolly gonna get torn apart for this but I would love a good whodunit with EJ as the victim. So much for Sami secretly loving a dead man...I love this blog, I can say what I want without someone getting on my case about it and if I dont like an EJami post if they should post theres always the delete key...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The amnio

Hello folks, Lucas wanted the amnio sure but his asking for it was to reduce stress on Sami not add to it like others have been suggesting. Lucas has every right to know if he was the father and if EJ had nevre raped her then it wouldnt be neccessary. If he had been the kind of noble man Ejami's think he is then why did he need to force her to have sex with her EJ to save her husband, hello any other guy wouldve helped but not EJ. He said if you dont have sex with me then I dont save your husband, that is like a deal with the devil so without the rape why would Sami have needed the amnio in the first place, EJ is a rapist plain and simple and any stress on the babies is due to the circumstances surronding the pregnancy. EJ is a slimeball and should be in jail for a zillion plus years that being said EJ needs to rot....